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It's a no-brainer! - Glioblastoma

Case 4425870

66 YO Male

Clinical Presentation:

3 weeks left face/upper limb weakness and confusion

Previous History:





Imaging Performed:

CT Brain Pre & Post Contrast

Report Findings:


Multilocular solid cystic right temporal lobe mass with a possible adjacent cortical thickening, inadequately assessed on CT. This lesion is favoured to represent a high-grade glial series neoplasm, the differential being of a metastasis. Further evaluation with MRI is recommended. Marked mass effect, with 10 mm midline shift and downward transtentorial herniation.


MRI Brain Pre & Post Contrast

Report Findings:


Heterogeneous enhancing right temporal and insular mass, felt to most likely represent a a high-grade hypercellular a glial series tumour (glioblastoma), the differential of a solitary metastasis considered less likely. Marked mass effect with midline shift of 11 mm to the left.


Treatment plan:

- Craniotomy and excision of right sided intracranial tumour

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